European Brown Swiss Federation
Added value with 4% Fat & up to 3.8% Protein
Brown Swiss is a dual purpose breed, milk oriented with a very good lifetime milk production. Its milk production perfectly balances quality and quantity. The breed is versatile and able to adapt its production needs to the feed supply available. Also, its milk production is persistent throughout the whole lactation.

Best combination of produced milk
Brown Swiss is the second dairy breed in terms of milk quantity after Holstein. With an average production of 7080 kg, Brown Swiss is very competitive on volumes.
Besides volumes, Brown Swiss perfectly balances quantity with quality and offers the best combination of produced milk. Indeed, Brown Swiss milk has an added value thanks to a fat content about 4% and a high protein content about 3,5 to 3,8 %.
In countries were the milk payment system takes into account protein and fat content, Brown Swiss milk offers a gain up to 5 cts more per liter.
Benefits for cheese making and human health
Brown Swiss milk is a noble raw material for the production of quality products especially cheeses. It contributes to the reputation of various cheeses in Europe thanks to its quality.
High in fat, essential for cheese flavor and taste, Brown Swiss milk is mainly known for its high protein content. Milk quality indicator, the ratio F/P must be equal or higher to 1.15 for a proper cheese development. With a ratio of 1.22, Brown Swiss positions itself in the leading trio of suitable breeds in France behind Montbeliarde (1.18) and Simmental (1.19), and before Normande (1.23) and Jersey (1.45).
Parma University in Italy highlighted significant differences in milk composition between breeds in favor of the Brown Swiss breed:
High content in Phosphor (+8%) and Calcium (+7%) compare to Holstein
Lower content in Chloride ion
High Kappa casein BB content : 70 %
The casein content and especially Kappa Casein BB makes Brown Swiss milk very suitable for cheese making with higher cheese yield. In Parma University, a difference of + 16% of cheese yield was measured on Parmesan production. Also, with 100 Kg of milk, Brown Swiss produced 8.83 Kg of Cheddar cheese against 7.80 Kg for Holstein.
On the other hand, results obtained in Switzerland and Italy show that curdling is faster, curd solidifies faster, is more consistent and more resistant.
In practice, Brown Swiss milk leads to higher cheese yield, easy processing and high quality products also appreciated from organoleptic point of view.
It is an evidence for cheese makers, who already choose Brown Swiss for many cheeses such as Cheddar (US), Epoisse (FR), Parmesan (IT), etc.
Brown Swiss milk production is steady and quite uniform throughout the lactation with no extreme peaks of production. This makes herd management easier and simplifies the feeding management.
It is also one of the strength of the breed longevity that brings Brown Swiss to 3.5 lactations in average.
These quality standards make Brown Swiss productive performances remarkable and truly unrivalled.